We'll Meet Again is an adventure game set in the evacuations of World War II. What started out as a small prototype in my 2nd year of university, became much more fleshed out the following year when me and a team of artists managed to secure funding from the university to take it further. By the end of this gap year, we had successfully finished a fully playable demo, and had even taken it to show at the Play Expo: Manchester.
While the project remained dormant for the next couple of years, now that we have all graduated from university and landed on our feet, we have recently started developing the rest of the game. Stay tuned for more info soon!
The demo was developed initially developed using Unreal Engine 4, with all coding and engine work (aside from most of the level design) being done by me. All art assets and dialogue were created by the amazing artists that worked with me on the project. The rebooted project has been moved into the Unity engine, as we feel it is a better fit for what we want to achieve.
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